For more than 30 years my work has integrated different approaches and tools - the ancient knowledge of yoga, silent and dynamic meditations, somatic techniques, breathwork, psychological insights, compassionate listening and self inquiry - with my presence and intuition to welcome you, truly connect with you, be with you and accompany you home to yourself. My "toolbox" is continuously expanding, but basically I trust in your wisdom to guide you on this journey.  

You are welcome to take part in my Yoga classes via Zoom, book a private session of Compassionate Somatic Inquiry or participate in one of my retreats and workshops. Please contact me for details or any questions: or +4917620070384



Yoga and meditation help me to feel more connected and grounded in this very moment where life IS: here and now. For me, yoga is all about freedom, acceptance and relaxation - fully embodied. We don't have to push ourselves, fight against ourselves or achieve anything outside of ourselves. In yoga, we can enjoy ourselves and celebrate the life energy that flows within us.

 ZOOM Yoga Classes

2024, weekly and regularly, Timezone Berlin

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 pm
Fridays at 9:30 am
Sundays at 6 pm

Prices for ZOOM YOGA classes:
1 class 17 EUR
Ticket for 10 classes 150 EUR
Monthly ticket 95 EUR (per calender month)


Compassionate Somatic Inquiry

Private sessions of Compassionate Somatic Inquiry ( in person or via Zoom)

In a private session I invite you on a fulfilling journey of self discovery, with deep  kindness and full appreciation for the wisdom of the body-mind-soul. It is an invitation to explore and experience the interconnectedness between emotions, body sensations and the meanings we give to life-events we encounter along the way, watching the process without judgement.

With curiosity we turn inside, opening up to a wide space, where all possibilities are welcome. We become aware of the present moment and sense that HERE we are always okay - grounded and embodied, embracing all parts and aspects of ourselves. From this place we are able to unfold and integrate in presence, what has always already been there: wholeness.    

"Keep on knocking, and the joy inside will eventually open a window and look out to see who's there. " – Rumi

From our very first moment of life we are sensing, feeling and perceiving our surroundings and we relate to the people around us. We learn and adapt to live in a social environment.

Along the way we may encounter many challenges that sometimes leave us hurt, holding us back with a feeling of separation, lacking or not belonging, which leads us to cover up the simple truth, that we are always connected as ONE unity of body-mind-soul.   

Let us become aware together that right NOW we can unload our burdens and move forward with more lightness, finding again the freedom and the joy that is rooted deeply in our core, returning back home… HERE where we always are.  

I feel honoured to accompany you on this wonderful journey.

May all beings be happy, may all beings be free, may all beings be at peace.



Price for the session on request.